Rating: 4.5 stars
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Length: Novella
It’s been a while since I’ve read an Amber Kell story, but I was immediately swept up in the lovely characters this author always manages to create.
Sammy is a quiet boy who loves the piano. His mother works for an older man cleaning and keeping his house and, in return, Sammy is allowed to use the grand piano that sits relatively unused. If this were an ideal world, Sammy would be able to attend the private academy where his musical ability could be developed. Seemingly by chance, Old Mr. Strassford agrees to pay for Sammy’s schooling with one caveat. Sammy must return and visit with Mr. Strassford on his 21st birthday.
With a series of mishaps and a strange encounter with a man named Rance, Sammy finally makes it back to the mansion where his mother used to be employed. Strange circumstances surrounded her death and Sammy still misses her terribly. Plus traveling on his birthday has angered his wealthy boyfriend, Jonah. Leaving after a grueling argument, Sammy barely makes it to the mansion before his birthday comes to a close. Little does he know what awaits him at his benefactor’s home. Forces of dark magic are afoot and both Sammy and his lover Jonah will never be the same.
A rewrite of the old story, Beauty and the Beast, His Beautiful Beast is a cleverly done adaptation. From beginning to end, the faithful Sammy tugs at your heartstrings. With the purest of intentions to fulfill a promise made eight years prior, Sammy places himself in a dangerous situation. Not noted for his great patience, but loving Sammy fiercely, his boyfriend Jonah pursues him only to discover that Sammy is not the person he used to be. Now these two men fight to survive and eek out some sort of existence.
While Jonah felt a bit over-the-top in terms of his bossiness and his tendency toward big leaps of anger, I found him genuinely in love with Sammy. The passion and care between these two men was simply lovely. While this was not a lengthy plot, they were just enough twists and turns in the story to make it exciting and fun to read. The story is a simple one, but the way in which the author keeps the action moving and the mystery of who exactly are the bad guys makes this a speedy read.
Novels by this author are never overly involved and limited in their angst, so if you’re in the mood for a well-written fantasy story His Beautiful Beast would be one I would recommend wholeheartedly.